Doctors hate this one weird trick!

Sunlight in your eyes: How to eliminate migraines, get more energy, and feel better every day.

September 12, 2024

“I’ve had a migraine all day.” – Sept. 20, 2022

“I’ve got a full blown migraine. I’m just in a lot of pain.” – May 1, 2023

“My head just hurts. I didn’t want to take anything but moving more just makes it hurt.” – Sept. 16, 2023

“Advil is the only thing strong enough for my crazy migraines.” – Nov. 18, 2023

“I don’t feel good at all. Beginning of a migraine. Sick to my stomach. Not sure why.” – Dec. 1, 2023

“My eyes feel really sensitive. But it’s hard to know if that’s because of the migraine, or what caused it…” – Dec. 1, 2023

“I just hate that I feel like I have to push so hard and get a migraine to get meaningful work done…” – Feb. 16, 2024

“I just hate that I feel like I have to push so hard and get a migraine to get meaningful work done…” – Feb. 16, 2024

“Woke up with a migraine…” – Mar. 27, 2024

These are real texts that I sent to my wife over the past few years.

I just did a quick search on my phone. There are more. It’s pretty wild looking back and seeing how often I was debilitated by a migraine.

I tried everything. Diet. Exercise. Going to bed on time. Less screen time. Chiropractor. The whole nine yards.

Nothing worked. The migraines always came back. I would get them weekly. Sometimes multiple times a week.

I’m happy to report that after several years of desperation, I finally figured out the cure. I’ve been migraine free for over three months now, and there hasn’t been a hint of them ever coming back.

The cool thing about the cure is it actually is a cure for a lot of health issues, specifically auto-immune diseases.

The solution being: sunlight in your eyes.

Let’s dig in.

Why sunlight in your eyes works

if you don’t have a lot of time to read, I want you to internalize these next several lines:

Your body has melanin on the inside. Actually, much more than it has on the outside.

Melanin absorbs light. Why would there be melanin inside your body if it’s not exposed to light?

Well, it is, and it’s through your eyes.

The sun acts as a biological clock. Light is information to your internal body.

The sun controls what’s called your circadian rhythm. Without sunlight in your eyes, the inside of your body doesn’t know what time it is, so it doesn’t know what it’s supposed to be doing.

Mitochondria produce energy in every cell of your body.

If they don’t get sunlight information, they don’t start producing ATP.

ATP is used as the primary energy source for most biochemical and physiological processes in your body.

So, if you don’t get sunlight in your eyes throughout the day, your mitochondria don’t produce the energy your body needs.

Similarly, if you don’t get sunlight in your eyes, your body doesn’t know when to start shutting down and getting ready for sleep.

Your circadian rhythm gets messed up, which causes you to sleep terribly, which leads to your body not being strong enough to fight off disease and repair itself.

There’s much more science and data behind why sunlight in your eyes is important for your body. I’ll link to some podcasts at the end.

But that’s basically it. If you don’t get sunlight in your eyes your body literally can’t produce the energy it needs to sustain itself, and you literally start dying.

How I came upon sunlight as the cure

In short, Dr. Jack Kruse.

I was first exposed to Jack by Jack (thanks Jack!).

Dr. Jack Kruse is a brain surgeon. He has a pretty interesting backstory. I won’t go into it here, as he covers it in multiple podcasts, but essentially he discovered sunlight was a critical piece to curing lots of diseases and helping people lose weight quickly.

It was working so well for his clients that he got invited to do a TED talk about it.

The video got banned a month later because big Pharma didn’t like it.

And for good reason! If people knew about this one weird trick there wouldn’t be a need for all those drugs. Untold $billions are generated by keeping this information hidden.

After listening to a few of his podcasts, starting with his 7 hour 2-part stint with Dr. Andrew Huberman, I decided that I needed to try out this light thing.

And boy. It was night and day (literally and figuratively).

The Protocol

You don’t need a ton of sunlight to get your body functioning properly. Just enough to let it know what time it is (though, more never hurts).

I get a half-hour of sunlight in my eyes in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

In the morning I look towards the sun as it’s rising. Usually with some coffee. In the afternoon and evening I’m usually just outside.

The sun puts out different bandwidths of light depending on what time of day it is. It’s more red in the morning and evening, and white in the afternoon. This is the information your body needs to know what it is supposed to be doing.

Don’t try to get sunlight through a window. It’s better than nothing, but it’s not the same, because it filters different bandwidths of light and it doesn’t allow UV light to hit your eyes.

Also apparently I have to say this, but don’t look directly at the sun. It’s bad for your eyes. I look in the direction of the sun, but not directly at it.

And that’s really it! The simple act of getting sunlight in my eyes three times a day has completely eliminated my migraines.

Blue light toxicity

If you’re like me, you’re on a computer the majority of the day.

As a developer/digital marketer/saas operator, if I am not on my computer typing something I’m not getting work done.

Here’s the thing though. Screens are bad for your eyes. They’re bad for two reasons:

  1. Blue light
  2. Flickering

It’s not that blue light specifically is bad for your body. The sun puts out a ton of blue light.

But excessive blue light completely confuses your internal organs. Because the sun puts out red in the morning and evening, and more blue in the afternoon, if you get excessive blue light then your body continually thinks it’s the middle of the day.

This is why it’s hard to fall asleep after staring at a screen for hours before bed.

This is why you wake up feeling terrible after binge-watching YouTube Shorts for hours the night before.

Your body thought it was the middle of the day. Now it’s suddenly time to sleep? Not so fast.

Your body has to shift gears too quickly and it makes you sleep terribly.

Sleeping terribly consistently evaporates your immune system.

This leads you to being sick all the time, having a lack of energy, and obtaining terrible auto-immune diseases and symptoms.

The sad thing is, most people will go to a general doctor and get prescribed medication.

The medication simply masks the symptoms without solving the root cause.

And then you’re sick for life (and very profitable to the pharmaceutical companies).

Doctors quite literally hate this one weird trick.

So get your sunlight in your eyes. Avoid artificial light when the sun is down if you can.

And if you can’t avoid artificial light, make sure it’s as red as possible so your body knows it’s the end of the day and not the middle of the day.

If you take this seriously it can change your life

If you are someone who struggles with migraines or other auto-immune issues, consider giving sunlight in your eyes a try.

It has completely changed my life. I have so much more energy every day. I don’t lose 1-2 work days a week because I am bed-ridden. I don’t have to take pain killers anymore. And, I spend more time outside, which has it’s own laundry list of benefits.

Here are some of the podcasts I’ve listened to that can give you more information about the science behind why this works: